Order Of The Eastern Star Of D C, Redemption Chapter #14 Washington, District of Columbia 
CHAPTER No. 14, O.E.S., P.H.A
Historical Highlights (1929-2019)

     Redemption Chapter #14, O.E.S., P.H.A. was organized on February 5, 1928, under the great leadership of our late founder and organizer, Royal Matron Margaret Key Kelson. The first meeting took place at her residence, 739 Irving Street, N.W., Wash., D.C., where R.M. Kelson gave the Chapter its name and selected its first officers. Thirty-three candidates were investigated and found eligible to become Eastern Stars. The initiation of our first candidates was held on June 5, 1928 at the Lincoln Colonade. Our first ‘Grand Visitation’ was held on November 7, 1928. We were voted to receive our Charter and By-Laws at the Grand Session held in December 1928. On February 5, 1929, we were dedicated and constituted officially as ‘Redemption Chapter #14, O.E.S. Our twin Chapter - Thrift Chapter #12 was also dedicated along with us. Margaret Key Kelson served as the Royal Matron of Redemption Chapter at this time. Her husband, William H. Kelson, served in the East with her as Royal Patron. 

​ We are proud to acknowledge 84 Past Matrons that have graced the East of Redemption Chapter. Several of those have served multiple years. Redemption Chapter acknowledges 3 Past Matrons that demitted to our chapter: PM Maggie H. Harris 1998 (Martha #11); PM LaJuan O.G. Hunter 2001 (Electa #6), and PM Laura White 2012 (Thrift #12).

  We are also proud to acknowledge 34 Past Patrons to grace the East (several of those have served multiple years); 5 Past Grand Worthy Matrons: *PGWM Carrie M. Hackley 1952; *PGWM Beatrice E. Perry 1963; *PGWM Elizabeth C. Johnson 1987; PGWM Cheryl G. Williams-Levant 1998, and PGWM Patricia A. Mabry 2003-2004; 4 Past Grand Worthy Patrons: *PGWP James W. Tyler 1952; *PGWP Roy Logan 1963, PGWP James C. Borden 2001-2002, and PGWP Quincy G. Gant, 2011-2012; 2 Past Grand Masters: *MWPGM George A. Farrar 1950, and 77th Grand Master, John Ellington, Jr., 2001-2002 and, currently, 86th MWGM Quincy G. Gant (2019-2020); 2 Past Grand Trustees: *Helen V. Allen, PM, 1973; Patricia Mabry, PGWM, 2011-2012; 1 Grand Trustee: Patricia Morina, PM, 2012-present; 5 Past Grand Lecturers: *PGL Beatrice Perry 1952; *PGL Alice Rice 1963, *PGL Thelma Williams 1987, PGL Carolyn L. Borden 1998, and *PGL Joann E. Kent 2003-2004; 5 Past Asst. Gr. Lecturers: PAGL Agnes D. Harris 2001; PAGL Gwendolyn C. Marcus 2012; PAGL Zelma Solomon 2003-2004 and PAGL Howard Hughes 2003-2004; 2 OES-GL PM Sharon F. Mason 2011-2012 and OES-GL Renata Clinton 2019-2020.

Worthy Matron 
Donza R. Brown
Worthy Patron 
​Kenneth N. Pough
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Eunice J. Dingle
Joseph A. Dingle, Jr